Thursday, December 4, 2008

Assignment #5

I revised the Websites IEmily for Girls and Teens Health. On these website i learn all about Asthma, Diabetes and Marijuana. Asthma is a lung condition that causes a person to have difficulty breathing : more than 6 million kids and teens have it. The way people take care of it is by using inhalers and peak flow meters. Diabetes is a condition that occurs when the body cant glucose normally. The way people manage diabetes is by taking insulin or pills. They can also Exercise, Play Sports and Eat Healthy Foods. Marijuana is the most used illegal Drug used in the United States. Its a dry , Shredded Brown/Green mixed flowers, stems, seeds, and leaves of the plant Cannabis Sativa. When a young adult is making a choice they should always thing about what's best for them. Being a teen can be hard because your in the borderline of a kid and an adult but just think what's best for you. On one of the websites i took a quiz on relationships. It had questions on proper ways speak to your partner and i got all the answers correct. I found that interesting because i know the right way to address a situation but sometimes i just choose not to do it the right way. I also did a cross word puzzle on puberty and i didn't do so well,  i guess i just forgot what i went threw in puberty. 

1 comment:

Pahola Bueno said...

I see that there is about 6 millions kids and teens that have a lung condition called Asthma.
I noticed that people with diabetes can exercise, play sports and eat healthy to stay in fit.
I wondered have you smoke marijuana and have you ever thought what is best for yourself?