Monday, December 1, 2008

Assignment #3

HIV stands for Human Immunodeficiency Virus.  AIDS stands for Acquired immunodeficency Syndrome. Ways that HIV is transmitted is Sexual Contact, Sharing contaminated intravenous needles, breastfeeding, infected mother to fetus during pregnacy or birth, and blood transfutions. Ways to prevent getting HIV or AIDS is don't have sex (vaginal, oral, anal) with strangers or commercial sex workers, and avoid casual contacts. Other ways to prevent is don't share needles, use condoms, do not share razors and toothbrushes or shavers. Their are many ways you can take action in response to HIV/AIDS. They are to get tested, practice safe methods to prevent HIV, decide not to engage in high risk behaviors, talk about prevention with your family and friends, provide support to people living with HIV/AIDS and get involved ith or host an event for world AIDS Day in your community.   


chrisina perez said...

I like the way you wrote that it is easy to understand and very informing

chrisina perez said...
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