Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Why Do Girls Have Sex???

I read the chapter why do girls have sex? In the book titled virgin sex for girls. My favorite story is "In Love" by Kayla. She's a 17 year old girl that was a virgin. She fell in love with a boy named Tom. They both worked at a park. This is my favorite story because Tom and Kayla got to know each other before they started their relationship. tom didn't pressure her about having sex, and he respected her. He made sure that having sex and her losing her virginity with him is what she really wanted. They became more close and after they had sex. Even thou they broke up because they were going to different schools she didn't regret loosing her virginity to him because he was always a good guy.

Dec 18th

1. Pelvic Inflammatory Disease 
A Disease that inflamates the internal female reproductive system. it starts in the cervix and if not treated can spread all through-out the uterus and fallopian tubes.
2. Female Anatomy 
We have breasts hips estrogen higher voice pitches and we get periods.
3. Period
Day 1- Cycle Begins
Day 14- Ovulation Begins
Days 28-30-(if not pregnant) Your Period Begins
4. Female Reproductive System
The sperm travels up the vagina and passes the cervix, goes straight into the fallopian tube where fertilization takes place. Once the ova is fertilized; it goes down the uterus where new life begins.
5. Menstruation
Menstruation is what happens when an egg is not fertilized making a period.